I've hit my first milestone in blogging. I've only been blogging for two and a half months and have already been nominated for the Liebster Award. What?! Crazy right?! I feel so honored to have been chosen and I am excited about the opportunity. Basically the Liebster Award can be given to any blog with under 200 followers. This is a great way to welcome new bloggers into the blogging world and help promote them. I have been nominated 4 times and decided I needed to get on this post as I've been procrastinating. (So grab some popcorn and get comfortable because this post is going to be a tad bit long.) Thanks to the lovely ladies who have nominated me. You girls are amazing. Everyone should check out their channels and let them know that I sent you there! :)
Here are the rules:
1. Provide a link back to the blogger who nominated you
2. Post 11 random facts about you
3. Answer 11 random questions set by the blogger who nominated you
4. Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers for the award (excluding who nominated you)
5. Let the nominees know that you have nominated them
*hmmm... I don't know why 11 seems to be the magic number! haha!
My 11 Facts:
1. I'm a perfectionist
2. I love Pandas
3. I did gymnastics for 8 years and got to level 9
4. I'm a freshman in college and I am majoring in Journalism
5. I'm a Christian
6. I'm 5ft. 4
7. I hate wearing shoes and if I could walk everywhere barefoot, I would.
8. I work as a gymnastics/cheer coach
9. I feel naked if my nails aren't polished.
10. I love coffee mugs and want to start collecting them
11. Everything I wear never has pockets so I never have a place to put my phone.
*Some don't have 11 questions because they repeated, so I just answered them once.
These are my answers to the questions given by Fashion Freedom:
1. Why do you blog?
I have a passion for writing so I use blogging as a platform to express myself and to do what I love. I've been reading blogs for years now and have been inspired by so many girls. I want to be able to inspire others like they have inspired me.
2. If you could be anyone, who would you be?
I'd want to be myself, but a more confident and outgoing version of myself. There are people who I admire however, such as Lauren Conrad and her amazing fashion sense. I also admire anyone who has their own talk show such a Oprah and Ellen because that is my dream job that I hope to have someday.
3. Where is your dream place to?
Do I have to choose just one? First of all I've never been out of the United States so there are many different countries I'd love to visit. Of coarse Paris is on my list. It seems so magical and is a place I hope to visit with my future husband someday. Maybe even honeymoon there. I'd also love to visit Spain. My plan actually, is to study abroad there my junior year of college. I feel that it's a place filled with culture and it would be great to experience that since I am studying spanish and hope to become fluent someday. Another place I've always wanted to visit is England. First off there accent. I love english accents. And they are big on tea. I love tea! Plus, I know a couple people from England that make it sound so lovely.
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4. What is your favorite color?
My favorite color changes often because there are just too many wonderful colors to just choose one. Right now, however, I'm loving purple. Royal purple. Lilac Purple. Any shade of purple. Purple is such a lovely color! My room is actually purple. I usually go back and forth between purple and blue, but I feel that purple is more girly.
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5. What types of blogs do you follow?
The main blogs I like to read are lifestyle blogs because I get to hear about fun and interesting things people are doing in their lives and it's like getting a sneak peak into someones personal journal. I also enjoy fashion blogs because it helps inspire me on what outfits to wear with my own wardrobe. I basically read blogs about topics that interest me, which includes: fitness, health, DIY, Home decor, photography and beauty. Some of my favorite blogs include:
Sprinkle of Glitter and
Sofias Journal.
6. Describe yourself with two words.
Dreamer. Writer.
7. What is your favorite post that you have blogged and why?
My favorite post has been my DIY Phone Case post because DIY's are some of my favorite posts to read. I'm also really proud of the pictures and worked really hard on the post. I also got lot of sweet comments and great feedback from everyone!
8. Do you prefer mobile or computer blogging?
I prefer computer blogging. I've actually never tried mobile blogging, but I feel that it would be more difficult to navigate around and use. I do like that there is an option however, incase I won't have access to a computer.
9. Are you a Facebooker or an Instagrammer?
I find Instagram to be more amusing as I tend to spend hours on there scrolling through pretty pictures that have been over edited and plastered with filters. It's a lot easier to use to keep people updated on my blog because I'm constantly using my iphone as a camera. So i suppose I am an instagrammer. Sometimes I can't stand Facebook because people post about every little detail of their day. "Made pancakes this morning," "Woah, its snowing," "So much homework to do today," *Yawn* I do enjoy when people post funny or clever posts though!
10. What is your full name?
Although I'm putting a lot of my life out there for the public to read, I don't feel comfortable giving away my entire name. I will tell you my first and middle name however: Miranda Paige

1. Favorite fashion brand?
Gosh there are so many. I'm not a big brand girl as I buy most of my clothes from thrift stores. I do really like the Jennifer Lopez collection from Kohls though!
2. The most expensive beauty product that you bought but you were disappointed? Why?
When I first started to really get into makeup, I wanted to go all out and buy primers, highlighters and bronzers, even though I had no idea which to buy or how to use them. My mom took me to Mac for the first time and I was awe struck by all the makeup. There were so many products in so many colors; it was intimidating. I ended up buying a really dark and shimmery bronzer for about $30 because I wanted to contour my face like all the girls did in the beauty videos I'd watch on Youtube. Long story short... it was the wrong color for my skin tone and a big waist of money. On the bright side, it actually makes a beautiful eye shadow color, so it didn't completely go to waste.
3.What's the cheapest beauty item you bought and you really liked?
The cheapest beauty item I ever bought was a 30 color eye shadow palette from E.L.F. for $5. The colors are very neutral and great for everyday wear. They are also so pigmented and great quality for such a cheap price. I've tried other E.L.F. products as well, that I've loved. So if your looking for good quality makeup that is cheap, definitely look into E.L.F. The price ranges from $1-$10 and can be bought at any drugstore.
4. If money didn't exist and you can buy anything, what would you buy first and why?
I'd buy a car. Since I live in a college town, not having a car isn't an issue right now because I can just bike everywhere. I'm also saving up money to pay off college so I don't want to spend a lot of money. If I could afford one right now, I'd buy it in a heart beat. It'd be nice to have one so I could drive up to visit my boyfriend on the weekends at his university, instead of having to take the bus.
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5. Online shopping or actual store shopping?
Store shopping for sure! I always see really cute clothes, but then I end up trying it on and decide that I don't like how it looks on me. I also like to try on clothes to make sure I have the size that'll fit me properly. With online shopping I can't do either of these things and I don't want to end up buying a bunch of clothes that end up not fitting.
6. Since you've been blogging, what has been the best blogging experience for you?
All of the positive feedback has been so amazing. Everyone has been so supportive and I have felt very welcomed into the blogging world. I've also gotten to meet some pretty cool bloggers and it has been fun to interact with everyone.
7. What languages do you speak and which ones do you want to learn?
I only speak English, but I hope to become fluent in spanish someday. I am even thinking about studying abroad fro a semester in Spain to help sharpen my spanish skills. I've taken spanish classes up to level 201.
8. Who is your celebrity style icon and why?
Lauren Conrad. Her style is cute yet so effortless. I'm always taking inspiration from her style.
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9. What dream can you remember the most (good or bad)?
I can't really think of a certain dream, but when I was in gymnastics, I use to always have dreams of me tumbling. Sometimes before competitions, they'd turn into nightmares and I'd try so hard to do a skill, but it wouldn't work and I'd end up failing. I wouldn't even be able to do a simple Cartwheel. It was kind of like those dreams where you're trying to run from someone, but you can't.
10. Favorite tv show, if you have one and why?
There are a few that are currently on my Netflix list: Psych, Super Natural, Full House, Friends, How I Met Your Mother & Scrubs.
11. If you could be any beauty product what would you be?
Ooh, interesting question! I'd be lipstick because I love to show off. And I feel that people notice when someone is wearing lipstick, especially when it's a bold color like purple or red.
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These are my answers to the questions given by ladies at I write about you:
1. What is your favorite season? Why?
My favorite season is summer because I love the warmth. Plus I love the summer style of cute shorts, tank tops, sun glasses and floppy hats. I jut feel so much happier when it's sunny out. Plus there is so much to do in the summer like sipping on smoothies, swimming, laying in the grass, bonfires or having a picnic.
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2. If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy?
If I had an unlimited amount of money, I'd probably splurge on higher end makeup and designer brand clothes because I could. I'd also pay off all my college and buy a house.
3. What is one makeup product you don't leave home without?
Mascara. I feel like mascara really makes eyelashes and eyes in general pop, so I always make sure to bring it with me in case I need to reapply. My second choice would be chapstick. I hate chapped lips so I try to never leave home without it.
4. Do you prefer baking or cooking? What's your favorite dish to bake/cook?
I prefer baking. I like to bake cookies and cupcakes.
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5. Best day of your life thus far?
One of my biggest accomplishments so far has been graduating high school. Reaching that goal was one of the best days of my life so far because I worked hard and accomplished something that I'd been working four years for.
6. What do you always have to have in your purse?
I usually carry my wallet, Chap stick, lotion, hand sanitizer, gum and cell phone. I hate carrying around a ton of stuff so my pure is pretty small.
7. What is your favorite weekend activity?
I enjoy going on morning runs. I also enjoy relaxing and watching Netflix with my boyfriend.
8. What accessory can you never leave your home without?
I can never leave home without my purse because it has my money, makeup and anything else I could possibly need.
1. What can we expect from your blog?
You can expect lifestyle posts, beauty reviews/ hauls, outfit of the days, DIY's and anything random I feel like ranting or telling y'all about.
2. Favorite food?
I like mexican food. I also love all the foods that there are during Thanksgiving like cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed/ sweet potatoes and turkey.
3. What's your favorite song right now?
There have been so many good songs lately. One really fun song that my boyfriend showed me that I've taken a liking to is: I Believe In A Thing called Love by The Darkness.
4. Best girl's night treat?
If I'm hanging out with my girlfriends we usually treat ourselves to some frozen yogurt. There are so many flavors and topping to choose from, plus it is freakin delicious! I usually get cake batter with cookie dough and blackberries!
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5.What's your all-time favorite movie?
Ahhh, It's so hard to choose just one! I love all the oldies like The Breakfast Club, Grease and Breakfast at Tiffany's.
6. Cat or Dog?
Definitely doggies! And cute puppies! I didn't really grow up around cats so I'm a bit timid around them. I've began to warm up to them though.
My Chihuahua, Misty
7. Favorite quote?
8. Favorite Youtube personality?
9. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
My favorite thing about blogging is having a place to organize my thoughts that I can share with everyone. I love to write and hope to become a writer someday, so this is the perfect hobby for me.
Here are my blog Nominees for the Liebster Award: *Drum Roll Please*
1.)Why did you start your blog?
2.)What beauty product can you not live without?
3.)What is your favorite Disney Movie?
4.)What is something you hope to achieve in the next five to ten years?
5.)Which song are you addicted to at the moment?
6.)Who inspires you?
7.)What is your most prized possession?
8.)What is your favorite post that you've written?
9.)What's your biggest fear?
10.)What's your lifetime ambition?
11.)What is the best/ worst aspect of blogging?